"Richard, love is not a switch. You can't just turn it off. Can't work side by side with her and not feel anything" - Martha Rogers
So today I am going to talk about the only ABC show that I have ever really liked, Castle. Castle is near and dear to me in the same way that football is near and dear to me: it's something that me and my father both love. My Dad is incredibly picky about what shows he likes and he may stop liking them at any time for really any reason, but Castle has not ever let him down. Once when we were looking for something to to watch, I mentioned to my Dad that we didn't have to watch a movie, we could watch a TV show on demand. So I asked him, "what kind of shows do you like?" and his response was, "Castle." I waited a second for him to say something else, but he didn't say anything. So I said, "I asked what KIND of shows you like," and he simply said back, "Castle..." so needless to say, we watched Castle.
What I really enjoy about Castle is how lighthearted and funny it is for a show about death. Castle is so nonchalant about the murders, so much so that he finds them enjoyable. Obviously he is not a crazy killer or anything, he just enjoys the stories which is something that I can really relate to. As much as murder is horrible, understanding the criminal mind is something that has always been interesting, otherwise, we wouldn't have as many crime shows as we have (CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds, ect) or as many crime novels as we have. When I say this show is funny, I mean that it is hysterical. It's not the usual cop drama humor that is cheesy and sometimes really doesn't make sense. He humor on Castle is related to all the banter between Castle and Beckett (the cop Castle is basing his novel on) and the banter between the other detectives and Castle and even the banter between Castle, Beckett and the suspects. None of that "sunglasses at night" humor so that is definitely an aspect of Castle that I love.
Another thing that I like about this show is Beckett's character. She is such a strong woman, and she is everything that I would like to be. I an the type of person that cries pretty much whenever they are sad and I always wear my emotions on my sleeve. I literally cannot hide when I am upset about something. I am the very epitome of weak when it comes to that sort of thing and I wish I could be more like Beckett in the regard. In the third season she struggles with the aftermath of being shot looking into her mother's case and even then, she is still stoic in public, although she begins to see a therapist and cries when no one is around. Despite the fact that she can hide her emotions, she also has a really big heart. She is concerned with finding who committed the murder, not because it is her job, but because she wanted to punish the person who committed the crime and give the families of the victim the closure that comes from knowing what happened to their family/friend. I am also a little jealous of her bravery. She is never afraid of anything, not gang bangers, not mobsters and not even the Mayer that killed her mother. She is always searching for the truth no matter where it takes her and not matter what happens to her in the process. I end myself in awe of her every time I watch the show. Lastly, I hope to one day be as good at that as do as she is at what she does. She is the youngest female to make detective with the highest closure rate of the department. I'm not even considered good at the job that I am at now, and I cannot wait to leave it to do something that I enjoy (what I am going to school for).

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