Hello! My name is Megan and I am a TV show/Movie junkie. I guess part of the reason I love them so much is because I spend almost all my time between work and school and in my off time I need a hobby which doesn't require as much brain power as reading (although I love reading as well!). However, if you consider how much thought I put into the stories behind the shows and movies, it would seem I am putting almost as much thought into them as it would require to read a book. I work at a company called Coyote Logistics on the overnight 3rd shift (hence my blog title, lyrics to an Iggy Azalea song "up all night trying to get that rich"). I am a senior at Kennesaw State this year as an Accounting Major, so again, I only have so much brain power left over after school and work. So I thought that throughout this blog I would share my thoughts on certain series and movies that I enjoy or do not enjoy and discuss why I feel one way or the other (and believe me, I have PLENTY of opinions).
House MD was an amazing show that lasted for 8 seasons and ended in 2012. What made this show so incredible was the main character, Dr. Gregory House's unwillingness to be a kind human being. He believed in truth above all else despite his famous quote, "Everybody lies." Every case he would take was purely because it interested him and he often mocked anyone he felt was being an idiot. He would have his team break into his patients homes to help his diagnostic process and would hire team members based on superficial reasons that he felt were important. He hired Dr. Allison Cameron purely because she was pretty and when she confronts him about this he replies with the quote listed above. This gives way to what I really wanted to talk about. Despite how cruel House was, he was never wrong. Cameron was a good doctor in spite of her looks because she worked so hard to get where she was. All he needed was one look to figure out that she was a hard worker. As someone who thrives from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (and note I did not say "suffers from" I am proud of who I am and all of my quirks) I can appreciate his ability to make snap judgements without questioning himself. He never once thinks, "maybe I am wrong" or "it could be any number of things." He makes decisions and he sticks to them which is something I envy because I simply cannot do that. I second guess everything I do and think and sometimes I do not speak my mind about things, even when I have been right about it all along.
This brings rise to the question: Is it better to be right or kind? As someone who is also very blunt, I think it is better to be right. I would like to believe that there is a middle ground, where one can tell the truth and be kind about it. Unfortunately sometimes the truth itself if not kind and their is nothing anyone can do to change that. If House had been kinder and wasted time talking to patients, he may have been more like me and second guessed himself. Perhaps if he had created a relationship between himself and the patient then he may not have ordered the tests that were needed to save the patients life because the treatment was too risky. So is it better to be kind and hold the patients hand while they die? Or order a test that could kill them, but has the chance of saving their life? If I was the patient, I would rather have the chance to live. What was so astounding about this show is that made you want to ask those questions, and to accept that House was the way he was. When I think about it, this show could have tanked in season 1 because people felt that House was too much of a jerk. However it did not simply because people were fascinated by the thought of a doctor who was not there to help (he simply wanted to "solve the puzzle") but was going to save lives anyway.
No discussion of this magnificent series would be completely without discussing the relationship between Dr. House and his best and only friend Dr. James Wilson. Wilson was an oncologist who knew House through everything and was the only main cast member other than Cuddy (the Dean of Medicine and House's ex) who knew House before the medical procedure than mangled his leg and got him addicted to Vicodin. According to Wilson, House was a jerk even before the constant pain in his leg, which is an ongoing to debate for other characters in the series. However through it all, Wilson stuck by him and acted as his conscience, no matter what crazy thing House had done. Throughout the 7 seasons we see Wilson stick his neck out to show that he and House are best friends. We also see House mess things up, be depressed about it despite the fact that he would not voice it, only to see the two of them make up. The bad guy House and the ultimate good boy Wilson who holds the hands of his patents and goes out of his way to not be mean to anyone always ended up friends again without too much effort on House's part. That is, until Season 8. In season 8 we find out that Wilson has Cancer and for the first time we see House having a heart and taking care of someone else. He administers a crazy amount of Chemo that no other doctor would in his living room and does not take Wilson to the hospital even though he knows that is what is RIGHT, purely because Wilson asks him not to. Then when the Chemo does not work and Wilson refuses to take anymore, House falls apart and tries to change Wilson's mind. Finally, he accepts that he only have 5 months left with his friend and he fakes his own death (to avoid going back to jail for revoking his parol after he drove his car into his Ex's living room) in order to spend those months with him. That was the crowing moment for House and the perfect ending to the series. It is a must watch and I highly recommend it!!

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