"I am Daenerys Stormborn. Your Masters may have told you lies about me, or they may have told you nothing. It does not matter. I have nothing to say to them. I only speak to you. First, I went to Astapor. Those who were slaves in Astapor, now stand behind me, free. Next I went to Yunkai. Those who were slaves in Yunkai, now stand behind me, free. Now I have come to Meereen. I am not your enemy. Your enemy is beside you. Your enemy steals and murders your children. Your enemy has nothing for you but chains and suffering, and commands. I do not bring you commands. I bring you a choice. And I bring your enemies what they deserve." - Daenerys Targaryen
Above is my favorite quote of all time spoken by one of my two all time favorite characters. If either of them die, I do not think I could watch the show anymore through my grief. I am of course talking about the show that has destroyed many peoples hearts with the deaths of their favorite characters, Game of Thrones. My favorite characters are Daenerys (who according to the true line of succession should be the Queen of Westeros and the 7 kingdoms because she is the only living heir to the Mad King), and Tyrion Lannister, almost the only source of comedy in the whole show. I have a few other characters that I enjoy, but none as much as those two.
First I want to raise two points. 1) I have not seen the last three episodes of this season, season 4, so all of my opinions are coming from the knowledge of the episodes previous to those three. 2) I only have one true complaint about the show and that is the amount of violence towards women, specifically violence that was not originally in the book. I understand the urge to add sex and drugs to TV shows to interest people, but why does the sex have to be non-consensual. For example, the scene where Cerci is raped by her brother/lover beside their sons dead body (because that is a real turn on apparently) is not originally in the book. The scene in the book was originally consensual, but was turned into a rape scene by the show. The questions that I want to ask is why??? In a show that already has enough rape, what is the point of changing it? I feel like every episode this season has had a rape scene. I think the one that bothered me the most was all the daughters that was raped by the rouge Night's Watch. The main guy who was in charge (I forgot his name, I hated him so much) made the comment that they should rape the women until they die. I have never been so happy to see someone die when he died in the very next episode. Thank you John Snow!
Now for some things that I enjoy about the show. I am going to start with the current Sansa story line, as far as I have seen of it. So..... Sansa is now with Littlefinger and her aunt living in the Erie. The problem, which I saw coming from the moment Littlefinger started talking about how much he loved Catlin Stark, that he was going to make a pass at Sansa. Then the aunt (who is married to Littlefinger and in madly in love with him) threatens to throw her out the moon door (a cliff essentially). So I am thinking, this is it. Sansa is finally going to die, but then in comes Littlefinger to calm her down....or so you think. But then he tells says the cruelest thing I think I have ever heard:

Even though me as the audience already knows that that is true, I am still shocked by the fact that he said it. And then he throws her out the moon door! As much as it pains me to admit it, I felt a little bit of sympathy for her. She was crazy no doubt, but love has made a lot of people crazy right? I just think it is sad how completely and utterly in love with him she was, and he was only using her the entire time. We know the extent of this love because she was the one who sent Caitlin Stark the letter that started the 5 Kings War! And she did it under Littlefinger's orders. I have some very recent experience with being in love with a man who is in love with another woman and I know how much pain she was in, however I never threatened to throw someone out a moon door.
As for Tyrion, I have loved his character for the very beginning of the show. She is hysterical and all he wants is find a woman to love him and to get his dad off his back. However, now his father is trying to have him executed and the woman he is in love with is testifying against him. It seems to me after watching for 3 and a half seasons that Tyrion and Daenerys are the only two characters with any moral compass at all. Tyrion's twin brother and sister are sleeping with each other, and his father is an evil jerk to everyone. However, his family looks down on him for being a dwarf and "killing their wife/mother." I don't think I could make it if I lived my whole life being blamed for being born. Why does Tywin not blame himself for getting her pregnant? Or 'the Gods" for taking her? I guess it is easier for him mentally to blame Tyrion, but he does not deserve it. I feel like the mother would be so upset if she knew the way that the rest of the family was treating her baby. I think I feel in love with Tyrion as a character when he first slapped Joffery. While everyone else was sitting there bowing down, Tyrion was still treating him like the punk little kid that he is. For example, when Joffery wanted Sansa to strip naked so she could be beaten in front of the entire court, Tyrion is the one who shows up, puts Joffery in his place and saves her.
My other favorite is Daenerys because of her heart. She is the sweetest person on the entire show which is why she is so beloved by her army, who chooses to stand with her. I think there is a real strength in her that is shown for the first time when she learns how to love the man that scared her and essentially raped her. Then the sadness she felt and what she did to save his life, inadvertently killing her baby in the process. Then she comes back from all of that pain to save her dragons (now he children) and to free the slaves at each city she encounters. There is something wonderful about someone who wants to stand up for those that cannot stand up for themselves. When she saw the children hung to the crosses along the roads to Maureen, she stated that she would get them justice and asked someone to count how many there were. Then when she arrived there was a way that she could have gotten around the city without sacking it, and she refused, because it meant more to her to free the slaves than to be a Queen. I think of everyone on this show, she makes the best leader and would make the best Queen for the 7 Kingdoms.